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Develop "cooling" policies, "steaming" to combat high temperatures
The publisher:czszjs    Release time:2023-09-20    Hit:1484

 In order to cope with high temperatures, the maintenance branch, while ensuring safety, quality, and construction period, puts people first and combines with the actual situation of the project to improve and implement the safety production responsibility system, develop emergency plans for heatstroke prevention and cooling, effectively grasp the safety production work and heatstroke prevention and cooling work during the summer high temperature period, formulate effective maintenance and repair systems, and strengthen supervision and inspection of key parts of the construction site. Among them, Daily maintenance items include: checking the operating condition and cleaning equipment; Regular maintenance projects include: regular inspection of facilities (including patrols), timely maintenance or scheduled maintenance when abnormalities are found; Major repair projects include planned comprehensive maintenance of facilities, repair or replacement of important components, and active prevention of safety hazards at construction sites during high temperatures.

The branch company is truly concerned about the safety and health of the vast number of construction technicians, especially frontline workers, who persist in construction in hot weather. According to the engineering situation, the branch company shall properly adjust the work and rest time of employees during the high-temperature period, arrange rest areas, improve labor conditions, reduce labor intensity, and reasonably arrange work breaks. Effective ventilation, insulation, and cooling measures shall be taken in high-temperature workplaces, and sufficient heatstroke prevention and cooling materials shall be equipped. For outdoor operations, the method of "doing two ends, resting in the middle" or rotating operations shall be adopted to avoid scorching sun and fatigue operations, Prevent heatstroke among employees.
The branch pays attention to safety production management and strengthens safety production protection. The project leaders actively carry out labor protection work for construction personnel based on the characteristics of the construction site during high temperatures, monitor their blood pressure, and equip them with necessary labor protection equipment; At the same time, safety protection should be taken for important parts of the construction site, and sufficient heatstroke prevention and cooling supplies such as tea should be provided, as well as essential and commonly used medicines such as human elixirs and wind oil essence. In response to the frequent occurrence of thunderstorms and typhoons in summer, each team of the branch company has done a good job in flood prevention and lightning protection at the construction site. The hot summer weather leads to an increase in the frequency of electrical equipment usage. The branch company arranges dedicated personnel to regularly check the safety of electricity usage and maintain normal operation; Wet and rainy seasons during the flood season can lead to a decrease in the insulation performance of electrical equipment. We must ensure all safety measures for electricity use.
The maintenance branch, through reasonable work arrangements, sufficient material reserves, appropriate protective measures, and good construction site management, has worked together to ensure construction safety during this year's high-temperature season through practical actions.

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